All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely!
Lots of chocolates for me to eat,
Lots of cow’s milk and lots of treat,
Warm face, warm hands, warm feet, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely!……’
Andrew hummed the tune to himself, a light hop in his walk, as he strolled the golden woods that autumn afternoon. The setting sun bathed the woods amber. Winter was fast approaching, and very soon the mellow foliage would be replaced with the silvery white coats of snow. Andrew would be able to witness as Mother Nature discards her gold attire, to attain her pure, delicate white adornment for the cold season. Andrew would soon be able to marvel this transition, for his daily walk back home from work, cut across a section of the lovely dark woods. He enjoyed these walks the most, for not only was he able to observe the bounty of nature, but also reflect on the beauty of his thoughts, his dreams, his aspirations. Andrew, also popularly called Andy by his colleagues at the fast-food outlet where he worked as a waiter, was a humble lad, mostly reserved, and much too mature for his 22 years. As Andy trotted on that familiar path that lazy October afternoon, he contemplated how satisfied he was with his small-time job, and tiny existence on the planet!…….if only there was something he longed for, something he wouldn’t mind being blessed with sooner or later…….was……love……
Andy lived alone in his mini-flat, which comprised of a modest sitting cum kitchenette cum dining room, and a study cum bedroom, and the compact bathing vestibule, which he considered quite too small to be called a ‘bathroom’!…….Living independently had it’s charm, it’s responsibility, and it’s headaches too, but Andy had pulled through, and managed to establish a comfortable routine. Being orphaned while still a baby, Andy’s tender nourishment was undertaken by his foster parents in Ottawa, Canada. At 18, his guardians gave his decision to stay separately, and work his way through college approval. Since then, Andy pursued his higher education through the correspondence courses, while being employed to earn his daily bread……It was fun though, for Andy was able to mingle with the teeny-boppers who thronged the fast-food diner where he worked. In a small but sure way, he was leading a rewarding life…….As he wandered in the warmth of the receding sun, a chill wind whipped his bare face, and he zipped up his jacket close to his neck, then rubbed the palms of his hands together……he was nearing the road crossing, the dense trees reduced to a scarce scattering of wild shrubs, as he sang to himself……
‘Aaahh, lovely it be if I could just only sleep,
I would never budge till spring, crept out of the window-sill,
Someone’s head resting on my knee,
Warm and tender as he can be,
Who takes good care of me, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely……
……..lovely……..lovely…..lovely……wouldn’t it be…..lovely!……’
He smiled self- contended, as he began humming the song once again……’If only, something special like this does happen to me’, he thought, ‘ then, it would be paradise for me……’, too immersed in such thoughts to be aware of what’s around him, without the cautionary ‘look-before-you-cross’ practice, Andy carelessly headed to the opposite end of the two-lane……...He didn’t notice the speeding car, till it screeched to a sudden screaming halt just inches before him…….The driver was furious!…..
‘Hey, you blind?!, didn’t your mom ever teach you to look before you cross?!…..Listen kid, if you wanna get yourself killed, don’t dare assume I’d wanna help ya!… move it, slow-coach!!’…..
Andy sprinted off in the direction of his street…….He’d seen the contorted face of that young driver…..’Boy, I must’av made him mad!….funny, I thot I’d seen him somewhere before?!…..anyways, if I see him again, I better apologize, he looked like in a hurry……’, Andy considered, ‘ though, he wasn’t old, maybe early thirties, but that’s I face I wont forget…..I just hope I don’t see him again under the same circumstances…..he spared me once…next time he’ll flatten me!!’……..
Winter descended, and a fine layer of snow covered the landscape……’Like an icing on a cake!’, Andy watched mesmerized during his walk through the woods. He had arrived early at the restaurant that morning, and by mid-day was on his toes feverishly attending to the cheery christmasy customers that floated in and out of the place in dozens. It was then he encountered the driver again……although this time, in a much pleasant setting……
‘Hey, it’s you again!….well well, the slow coach works here eh?!…..though I must say, your practically buzzing like a steam machine here!!… remember me don’t you, young lad?…...had my reflexes been sluggish that day, you’d have been in a hospital now!!…….what’s your name lil one?’…..
‘Andrew, sir’
‘Hi, Andrew!…..I’m Chris!…..bit surprised to see you here!…..I reckoned you must be a college kid…..what’s this, a part-time thing??’, Chris inquired……
‘Yes, sir, it is…..I’m covering my higher ed externally, and working here, I earn my own living, sir’
‘Hey, Andrew, call me Chris…..I’m impressed, quite enterprising aren’t you?!…..good good…..’
‘Sure sir, if you wanna me to call you Chris, it’s ok…..but please, I’m better known as Andy’
‘Merry Christmas Andy, God bless ya, kid!’
‘Chris, if I may, I don’t intend to be shoved around being called a kid!, and you aren’t ancient yourself are you?!!’
‘Hehehe!….the lil one has a sense of humor too eh?!…..kid, I’m elder to you any ways, what are you, 21-22??, well I’m 29 so there, you still are a young one to me!’
‘Alright, sir if you insist, may I take down your order sir, I have to attend to the others too sir, the menu, sir…….why don’t you try our holiday-special sir?’
‘HEY, kid, I thot I told you to call me Chris!……Quit that sir stuff Andy… annoys me!’
‘Here’s the deal, you drop that ‘lil kid’ thing, and I’ll quit the ‘sir’ stuff….how about it?!’
‘Ok, deal…….my my, Andy has a wise bone too!…..wanna be friends Andy?…..
‘Sure Chris, I’d love to……but first, your order please sir…uhh, I mean Chris!!’, Andy giggled…..
And Chris chuckled as he placed his order……By the time Chris left, Andy knew sufficiently more about his ‘new’ friend, that he was an IT guy, worked at the IBM branch in town, stayed on the same street as he did, lived alone, was unmarried as of now, was very sports-minded, especially when it came to ice-hockey!……loved eating out, live-music shows, the movies, long drives….and of-course, his dog Tyson. All and all, Chris was a smart, well-to-do, working and settled, independent guy, with an amiable air about him……Andy was attracted to Chris’s friendly demeanor, and his sharp rugged features. Chris was of athletic frame, quite unlike the picture that arises when a person is attached to a desk-job!…..’That’s probably coz of his gym workouts and interest in sports’, Andy concluded. ‘ Hmm, tall and trim, healthy and handsome, dark-eyed, brown haired, strong featured charming person’, Andy judged during a rare moment of peace at the counter, ‘ wonder why he’s still single?….bet he’s dating a looker!…..I wonder if……’, his train of thought coming to an abrupt halt as a fresh wave of customers arrived…….
The next day again, Chris made an appearance at the fast-food outlet……in-fact, he came in almost every alternate day, invariably for ‘lunch’, and slowly Chris too was able to learn of Andy’s past, and present. When Chris learnt that Andy too shared in some of his pastimes, he offered to take Andy out for a drive that weekend, and maybe they could catch up with a movie some day later. Andy readily agreed, and so that Sunday saw them cruising down the scenic highway, Tyson in tow at the back-seat, western folk tunes rocking the vehicle, and 2 boisterous young ‘men’ talking animatedly about themselves, and the ‘leisure’s-of-a-lone-life’!!…….It didn’t come as a surprise to Andy when Chris invited him to his home, for dinner one night……by now, Andy had the strangest intuition that Chris too, like himself……was…!…..He decided, on Friday night, during dinner at Chris’s spacious, modern and trendy house, Andy would put the question point blank at his host…..’Let’s see his reaction’, Andy analyzed, ‘if he is what I suppose he is, then by golly, this would be what I’m looking for, and he’s on the same street as me too!!’……
Friday night…….Andy punctually knocked at Chris’s door at 7 pm……He was received by an eagerly excited Tyson, and a warmly welcoming Chris. Andy, after many ‘yes-and-no’ arguments in front of his mirror, had picked out, to wear, a pale blue silk shirt, gray trousers, a charcoal-gray sweater, and matching boots. He felt the combination would highlight his toned body, his gray eyes, and his fair, almost translucent skin. He was right in his choice. As Chris helped Andy out of his over-coat, Andy could feel admiring eyes sweeping over him, and when Chris complimented what he saw, Andy smiled back graciously. Chris himself looked suave……and to Andy’s eyes, even sexy……in his checked slacks, maroon jersey, and the white collared shirt below it……Andy couldn’t help noticing, the subtle fragrance of after-shave, the soft-silky shine to Chris’s brown groomed hair, the shapely thighs…….very appealing!……After a round of light drinks, and crackers, a sumptuous meal of corn soup, steak with roasted potatoes in sauce, and apple pie with fresh cream and maple syrup was served. Andy was all praises for Chris’s culinary skills, the food was really scrumptious!……Over coffee on the couch, Andy was bold enough to approach the topic…….
‘It’s really odd, you so good looking and intelligent, how come your not taken yet?….I mean, well I just guessed…..what about it?… have a girl somewhere in the closet?!’, Andy joked……
Lowering his voice to a whisper, Chris leaned forward and said, ‘Sshhhhh!, no, she’s in the freezer, she’d gotten too hot on the bed last time, I had to cool her abit!!’, saying so, both burst out in guffaws……
‘No, seriously Chris, why aren’t you dating someone?…..I can tell, many will fall for your looks, wit and charm, haven’t tried seducing anyone yet?’……
‘Well, frankly, I am on a date now!……and boy, I’m trying my best, it’s you who isn’t succumbing to my fatale efforts at seduction!…I’m wondering when the drug in the coffee will take toll!!’, and again, they both erupted into howls…..
Andy aimed a friendly punch at Chris, who ducked sideways, and pinned Andy’s arm behind him in a lock-twist…..Chris started muzzling Andy’s neck with his nose…….Andy instinctively felt uncomfortable and tried to pull away……when he succeeded, it was Chris who broke the spell…..
‘Andy……I’ve been noticing you, ever since we met… the diner the first day… don’t hang around with girls much do you?……Tell me one thing, you ever heard about gays?!’…..
A stunned silence followed, broken by Chris again, ‘Of-course, it’s none of my business, but since I have started the topic, I want to let you know……I am a gay!!’……
Again a hush of quiet……their eyes were interlocked, searching for answers within their depths……Chris whispered again, ‘Andy, go on, tell me, have you ever considered about your sexual orientation?…..if you don’t wanna talk about it, it’s alright, some other time… about a walk down the street?’…..
Walking in the magnificent snow coated backdrop, with a clear, still moonlit sky, amongst the white clad trees, at the corner of those dense woods that were so special to Andy, Chris’s silent stares and slight smiles conveyed to Andy, an understanding, and a trust in kind……’He knows, he understands, he respects me…..he may like me too’, Andy churned…….there and then, he confessed about himself, and was relieved to see Chris’s beaming smile, and when Chris embraced him in a bear-hug, Andy felt warm and wonderful deep within……He felt, finally, his prayers were heard…….The Lord above had gifted him with the best Christmas gift he’d ever got……..on Christmas Eve, Andy had been blessed with the power….and gift…..of true love!……
The night that followed had been the happiest one for Andy……though initially apprehensive about sleeping with someone for the first time…..but Chris had been most reassuring, most gentle, and above all, most genuine…….On Christmas morning, Andy awoke to find himself staring into Chris’s most handsome face, brushing against his own…….Chris’s eyes slowly fluttered open, and his face broke into a benevolent smile…….As Chris came nearer and licked Andy’s ear, he murmured, ‘My wish came true this Christmas, I found you Andy, will you be my love, and let me be yours, and together we will stay happily ever after?’………uttering the words, Chris came nearer, Andy could feel his warm, moist breath on his own cheeks……As they culminated in a long, lingering passionate kiss, and made love all over again…….Andy realized, his dream had become reality…….that something special had happened…….It was love!…..and now his life was……..paradise!!!…….
‘Aaahh, lovely it be if I could just only sleep,
I would never budge till spring, crept out of the window sill,
Someone’s head resting on my knee,
Warm and tender as he can be,
Who takes good care of me, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely……
………lovely….lovely…..lovely…….wouldn’t it be lovely!……’
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely!
Lots of chocolates for me to eat,
Lots of cow’s milk and lots of treat,
Warm face, warm hands, warm feet, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely!……’
Andrew hummed the tune to himself, a light hop in his walk, as he strolled the golden woods that autumn afternoon. The setting sun bathed the woods amber. Winter was fast approaching, and very soon the mellow foliage would be replaced with the silvery white coats of snow. Andrew would be able to witness as Mother Nature discards her gold attire, to attain her pure, delicate white adornment for the cold season. Andrew would soon be able to marvel this transition, for his daily walk back home from work, cut across a section of the lovely dark woods. He enjoyed these walks the most, for not only was he able to observe the bounty of nature, but also reflect on the beauty of his thoughts, his dreams, his aspirations. Andrew, also popularly called Andy by his colleagues at the fast-food outlet where he worked as a waiter, was a humble lad, mostly reserved, and much too mature for his 22 years. As Andy trotted on that familiar path that lazy October afternoon, he contemplated how satisfied he was with his small-time job, and tiny existence on the planet!…….if only there was something he longed for, something he wouldn’t mind being blessed with sooner or later…….was……love……
Andy lived alone in his mini-flat, which comprised of a modest sitting cum kitchenette cum dining room, and a study cum bedroom, and the compact bathing vestibule, which he considered quite too small to be called a ‘bathroom’!…….Living independently had it’s charm, it’s responsibility, and it’s headaches too, but Andy had pulled through, and managed to establish a comfortable routine. Being orphaned while still a baby, Andy’s tender nourishment was undertaken by his foster parents in Ottawa, Canada. At 18, his guardians gave his decision to stay separately, and work his way through college approval. Since then, Andy pursued his higher education through the correspondence courses, while being employed to earn his daily bread……It was fun though, for Andy was able to mingle with the teeny-boppers who thronged the fast-food diner where he worked. In a small but sure way, he was leading a rewarding life…….As he wandered in the warmth of the receding sun, a chill wind whipped his bare face, and he zipped up his jacket close to his neck, then rubbed the palms of his hands together……he was nearing the road crossing, the dense trees reduced to a scarce scattering of wild shrubs, as he sang to himself……
‘Aaahh, lovely it be if I could just only sleep,
I would never budge till spring, crept out of the window-sill,
Someone’s head resting on my knee,
Warm and tender as he can be,
Who takes good care of me, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely……
……..lovely……..lovely…..lovely……wouldn’t it be…..lovely!……’
He smiled self- contended, as he began humming the song once again……’If only, something special like this does happen to me’, he thought, ‘ then, it would be paradise for me……’, too immersed in such thoughts to be aware of what’s around him, without the cautionary ‘look-before-you-cross’ practice, Andy carelessly headed to the opposite end of the two-lane……...He didn’t notice the speeding car, till it screeched to a sudden screaming halt just inches before him…….The driver was furious!…..
‘Hey, you blind?!, didn’t your mom ever teach you to look before you cross?!…..Listen kid, if you wanna get yourself killed, don’t dare assume I’d wanna help ya!… move it, slow-coach!!’…..
Andy sprinted off in the direction of his street…….He’d seen the contorted face of that young driver…..’Boy, I must’av made him mad!….funny, I thot I’d seen him somewhere before?!…..anyways, if I see him again, I better apologize, he looked like in a hurry……’, Andy considered, ‘ though, he wasn’t old, maybe early thirties, but that’s I face I wont forget…..I just hope I don’t see him again under the same circumstances…..he spared me once…next time he’ll flatten me!!’……..
Winter descended, and a fine layer of snow covered the landscape……’Like an icing on a cake!’, Andy watched mesmerized during his walk through the woods. He had arrived early at the restaurant that morning, and by mid-day was on his toes feverishly attending to the cheery christmasy customers that floated in and out of the place in dozens. It was then he encountered the driver again……although this time, in a much pleasant setting……
‘Hey, it’s you again!….well well, the slow coach works here eh?!…..though I must say, your practically buzzing like a steam machine here!!… remember me don’t you, young lad?…...had my reflexes been sluggish that day, you’d have been in a hospital now!!…….what’s your name lil one?’…..
‘Andrew, sir’
‘Hi, Andrew!…..I’m Chris!…..bit surprised to see you here!…..I reckoned you must be a college kid…..what’s this, a part-time thing??’, Chris inquired……
‘Yes, sir, it is…..I’m covering my higher ed externally, and working here, I earn my own living, sir’
‘Hey, Andrew, call me Chris…..I’m impressed, quite enterprising aren’t you?!…..good good…..’
‘Sure sir, if you wanna me to call you Chris, it’s ok…..but please, I’m better known as Andy’
‘Merry Christmas Andy, God bless ya, kid!’
‘Chris, if I may, I don’t intend to be shoved around being called a kid!, and you aren’t ancient yourself are you?!!’
‘Hehehe!….the lil one has a sense of humor too eh?!…..kid, I’m elder to you any ways, what are you, 21-22??, well I’m 29 so there, you still are a young one to me!’
‘Alright, sir if you insist, may I take down your order sir, I have to attend to the others too sir, the menu, sir…….why don’t you try our holiday-special sir?’
‘HEY, kid, I thot I told you to call me Chris!……Quit that sir stuff Andy… annoys me!’
‘Here’s the deal, you drop that ‘lil kid’ thing, and I’ll quit the ‘sir’ stuff….how about it?!’
‘Ok, deal…….my my, Andy has a wise bone too!…..wanna be friends Andy?…..
‘Sure Chris, I’d love to……but first, your order please sir…uhh, I mean Chris!!’, Andy giggled…..
And Chris chuckled as he placed his order……By the time Chris left, Andy knew sufficiently more about his ‘new’ friend, that he was an IT guy, worked at the IBM branch in town, stayed on the same street as he did, lived alone, was unmarried as of now, was very sports-minded, especially when it came to ice-hockey!……loved eating out, live-music shows, the movies, long drives….and of-course, his dog Tyson. All and all, Chris was a smart, well-to-do, working and settled, independent guy, with an amiable air about him……Andy was attracted to Chris’s friendly demeanor, and his sharp rugged features. Chris was of athletic frame, quite unlike the picture that arises when a person is attached to a desk-job!…..’That’s probably coz of his gym workouts and interest in sports’, Andy concluded. ‘ Hmm, tall and trim, healthy and handsome, dark-eyed, brown haired, strong featured charming person’, Andy judged during a rare moment of peace at the counter, ‘ wonder why he’s still single?….bet he’s dating a looker!…..I wonder if……’, his train of thought coming to an abrupt halt as a fresh wave of customers arrived…….
The next day again, Chris made an appearance at the fast-food outlet……in-fact, he came in almost every alternate day, invariably for ‘lunch’, and slowly Chris too was able to learn of Andy’s past, and present. When Chris learnt that Andy too shared in some of his pastimes, he offered to take Andy out for a drive that weekend, and maybe they could catch up with a movie some day later. Andy readily agreed, and so that Sunday saw them cruising down the scenic highway, Tyson in tow at the back-seat, western folk tunes rocking the vehicle, and 2 boisterous young ‘men’ talking animatedly about themselves, and the ‘leisure’s-of-a-lone-life’!!…….It didn’t come as a surprise to Andy when Chris invited him to his home, for dinner one night……by now, Andy had the strangest intuition that Chris too, like himself……was…!…..He decided, on Friday night, during dinner at Chris’s spacious, modern and trendy house, Andy would put the question point blank at his host…..’Let’s see his reaction’, Andy analyzed, ‘if he is what I suppose he is, then by golly, this would be what I’m looking for, and he’s on the same street as me too!!’……
Friday night…….Andy punctually knocked at Chris’s door at 7 pm……He was received by an eagerly excited Tyson, and a warmly welcoming Chris. Andy, after many ‘yes-and-no’ arguments in front of his mirror, had picked out, to wear, a pale blue silk shirt, gray trousers, a charcoal-gray sweater, and matching boots. He felt the combination would highlight his toned body, his gray eyes, and his fair, almost translucent skin. He was right in his choice. As Chris helped Andy out of his over-coat, Andy could feel admiring eyes sweeping over him, and when Chris complimented what he saw, Andy smiled back graciously. Chris himself looked suave……and to Andy’s eyes, even sexy……in his checked slacks, maroon jersey, and the white collared shirt below it……Andy couldn’t help noticing, the subtle fragrance of after-shave, the soft-silky shine to Chris’s brown groomed hair, the shapely thighs…….very appealing!……After a round of light drinks, and crackers, a sumptuous meal of corn soup, steak with roasted potatoes in sauce, and apple pie with fresh cream and maple syrup was served. Andy was all praises for Chris’s culinary skills, the food was really scrumptious!……Over coffee on the couch, Andy was bold enough to approach the topic…….
‘It’s really odd, you so good looking and intelligent, how come your not taken yet?….I mean, well I just guessed…..what about it?… have a girl somewhere in the closet?!’, Andy joked……
Lowering his voice to a whisper, Chris leaned forward and said, ‘Sshhhhh!, no, she’s in the freezer, she’d gotten too hot on the bed last time, I had to cool her abit!!’, saying so, both burst out in guffaws……
‘No, seriously Chris, why aren’t you dating someone?…..I can tell, many will fall for your looks, wit and charm, haven’t tried seducing anyone yet?’……
‘Well, frankly, I am on a date now!……and boy, I’m trying my best, it’s you who isn’t succumbing to my fatale efforts at seduction!…I’m wondering when the drug in the coffee will take toll!!’, and again, they both erupted into howls…..
Andy aimed a friendly punch at Chris, who ducked sideways, and pinned Andy’s arm behind him in a lock-twist…..Chris started muzzling Andy’s neck with his nose…….Andy instinctively felt uncomfortable and tried to pull away……when he succeeded, it was Chris who broke the spell…..
‘Andy……I’ve been noticing you, ever since we met… the diner the first day… don’t hang around with girls much do you?……Tell me one thing, you ever heard about gays?!’…..
A stunned silence followed, broken by Chris again, ‘Of-course, it’s none of my business, but since I have started the topic, I want to let you know……I am a gay!!’……
Again a hush of quiet……their eyes were interlocked, searching for answers within their depths……Chris whispered again, ‘Andy, go on, tell me, have you ever considered about your sexual orientation?…..if you don’t wanna talk about it, it’s alright, some other time… about a walk down the street?’…..
Walking in the magnificent snow coated backdrop, with a clear, still moonlit sky, amongst the white clad trees, at the corner of those dense woods that were so special to Andy, Chris’s silent stares and slight smiles conveyed to Andy, an understanding, and a trust in kind……’He knows, he understands, he respects me…..he may like me too’, Andy churned…….there and then, he confessed about himself, and was relieved to see Chris’s beaming smile, and when Chris embraced him in a bear-hug, Andy felt warm and wonderful deep within……He felt, finally, his prayers were heard…….The Lord above had gifted him with the best Christmas gift he’d ever got……..on Christmas Eve, Andy had been blessed with the power….and gift…..of true love!……
The night that followed had been the happiest one for Andy……though initially apprehensive about sleeping with someone for the first time…..but Chris had been most reassuring, most gentle, and above all, most genuine…….On Christmas morning, Andy awoke to find himself staring into Chris’s most handsome face, brushing against his own…….Chris’s eyes slowly fluttered open, and his face broke into a benevolent smile…….As Chris came nearer and licked Andy’s ear, he murmured, ‘My wish came true this Christmas, I found you Andy, will you be my love, and let me be yours, and together we will stay happily ever after?’………uttering the words, Chris came nearer, Andy could feel his warm, moist breath on his own cheeks……As they culminated in a long, lingering passionate kiss, and made love all over again…….Andy realized, his dream had become reality…….that something special had happened…….It was love!…..and now his life was……..paradise!!!…….
‘Aaahh, lovely it be if I could just only sleep,
I would never budge till spring, crept out of the window sill,
Someone’s head resting on my knee,
Warm and tender as he can be,
Who takes good care of me, Aww, wouldn’t it be lovely……
………lovely….lovely…..lovely…….wouldn’t it be lovely!……’
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